Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Roscoff -Bloscon

Having done a bit of exploration we decided that a few days of gentle tourism was in order.

As we looked for a supermarket for supplies we came across a Sherman tank. I couldn't resist getting in for a photo.
Later we stopped at a little cafe for some lunch.

Back at the Port de plaisance the boats were coming in for the festival of sail and if you were remotely interested in boats ( I   Am ) it was fascinating. There were several iterations of Eric Tabarleys  yachts the Pen Duick's including the original that he was lost overboard from in the Irish Sea.

There were also a great number of classic yachts, one of the prettiest had to be this one.

In the evening we were entertained by a band on the veranda of the marina complex.

The following evening we went to the pub Winch in town which proved to be very good and I was given a jacket when I told the owner that Winch was my surname.

Of course Lynne then "borrowed" it for the walk home declaring that it just took the nip off.........
The following morning we were due to leave for L'aber wrac'h, the. Forecast was for 12 knots of wind which turned out to be not the case!

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