'Be scared Peter', he says Now come on Capt Corsaro it will take more than one very large genneker, impressive though it is, to scare me. Remember I already have one large blue sail and even though I have an unstayed mast I too can have a cruising chute which I suppose I should call a junketer rather than a genneker. Maybe I should be looking to to have one just in case you manage to outrun me with your genneker.
'Be scared Peter', he says Now come on Capt Corsaro it will take more than one very large genneker, impressive though it is, to scare me. Remember I already have one large blue sail and even though I have an unstayed mast I too can have a cruising chute which I suppose I should call a junketer rather than a genneker. Maybe I should be looking to to have one just in case you manage to outrun me with your genneker.